angular data not update after navigate

angular data not update after navigate

So I am using angular6 to create a post system. The problem is when I created post successfully and navigate back to the dashboard, the service triggered in ngOnInit of dashboard fetched all posts except for the latest created one.
I made sure that the navigation is triggered after the success of creating the post, and if I refresh the page it will show the new post.

//this is the post creating method in edit component
const content = this.contentInput.nativeElement.value;
this.articleService.create(content, this.uris).then(res =>
//create article success
, err =>

//this is part of dashboard component which should show posts
this.load() //cannot get the newest post
//setTimeout(()=>this.load(),100) --> this is a workaround

res =>
if(res instanceof HttpResponse)
this.handleArticles(res.body) //show every post except for the lastest one

err => console.log(err)

//in the create method in article.service.ts
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => =>
user_id =;
name =;
this.reqForCreate(content, uris, user_id, name)
.subscribe((e: HttpResponse<any>)=>


, err=>reject(err));
err => reject(err))

//back end code in the article controller
public function create(Request $request)string

public function getAll()
return response(Article::all(), 200);

Above is part of the code. I searched for a while but find no answer perhaps because I can't really summarize the issue very well, bear my off English.
I kind of work around it by setting a timeout before fetch data. But it's not a decent solution, right?
I thought the fetching posts action is quicker than creating the post but the fetching is triggered after the success callback of creating ..I am very confused, can somebody give a hint, please?
Thank you so much!

what is you back-end? Sharing that detail will also be helpful
– Nitishkumar Singh
Aug 20 at 5:22

Hi, I use laravel 5.4 for back end. Code is added as above.
– Yang Tan
Aug 21 at 4:52

are you returning the response before committing SQL transaction?
– Nitishkumar Singh
Aug 21 at 5:28

I don't think so. I modify the back end code a little, still got the problem. But I do get the response of controller@getAll() before the response of controller@create.
– Yang Tan
2 days ago

I think the then() method is invoked before the subcribe(res=>resolve()) in "this.articleService.create" get the right response.. I'm still trying to figure it out.
– Yang Tan
2 days ago

1 Answer

So I figure out the problem, it's in the front end. In the article service create method I used a promise to wrap up the observable requesting to create a new article. It resolves whenever the observable.subcribe() get a response.

.subscribe((e: HttpResponse<any>)=>


, err=>reject(err))

So this subcribe actually got 2 response : first is a type 0 response meaning "sent", second is a type 4 response which is what we want. The promise resolves earlier when it got the type 0. So all I need is a type check before resolve()

.subscribe((e: HttpResponse<any>)=>
if(e.type == 4)

, err=>reject(err))

That's it. Thanks for the attention!

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