Cannot get selectors right for CSS to set rule to achieve desired result

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Cannot get selectors right for CSS to set rule to achieve desired result

Here are some code fragments. I have a banner and I am changing its' size depending on whether it is the home page or other pages.

<div id="page1">
<header class=large_banner> <a class="logo" title="Swordsmen Martial Arts" href=""><span>Swordsmen Martial Arts</span></a>
<div id="myBanner" class="hero">
<h1>We know Martial Arts</h1>
<a class="btn" title="Get training from Masters" href="">Get training<span> from leading Masters</span></a>
</div> ...


header div.hero
position: absolute;
width: 42%;
top: 99px;
left: 55%

header div.hero h1
line-height: 1em;
margin: 0 0 30px 0;
color: #fff;

height: 300px; /* default height for Home page is 200px*/

The banner size component works fine and I get the correct size according to the page. My problem is that I also want to change the top property of the div hero so that it is more centrally aligned (between top and bottom) within the overall banner.
I have tried different combinations of class hero, large_banner and id myBanner with no success.

Your desired result is not clear for me.
– Kosh Very
2 days ago

Thank you. As much as anything, I am trying to understand/learn CSS. My understanding is that I should be able to specify 2 classes (.large_banner and .hero) then set a property. eg .large_banner.hero top:120px; but it appears to do nothing. I have tried various combinations of space and order to no avail. Also tried adding an ID but also without luck. So should it work? If so, how?
– user1988589
2 days ago

The example I cite above came from unless I misunderstood the article.
– user1988589
2 days ago

1 Answer

You can use display:flex. Put the .hero in a container and give container css like in example: where 100vh is window height and 34px is Logo height





height: calc(100vh - 34px);
display: flex;
align-items: center;

margin-top: -34px;

<div id="page1">
<header class=large_banner>
<a class="logo" title="Swordsmen Martial Arts" href="">
<span>Swordsmen Martial Arts</span>
<div id="myBanner">
<div class="hero">
<h1>We know Martial Arts</h1>
<a class="btn" title="Get training from Masters" href="">Get training<span> from leading Masters</span></a>

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