SVG file doesn't show up in blender

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

SVG file doesn't show up in blender

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I made a vector image in Adobe Illustrator and exported it into a svg file.(I did my best to make the lines closed but please still check if there's any problem with the vector image.)
But when I import it in blender, nothing comes out. I also zoomed in but there was absolutely nothing on the editor. Neither scale didn't work. Weird thing is I can still see the list of curves of svg file in outliner.

I've even tried with simple circle shape but the result was same. Please give a help.

The object looks very small, try to zoom in or scale the object.
– Denis
Aug 19 at 1:06

.. further to comment above, the curve dimensions are less than 0.0004 x 0.0004 x 0 .To make this the size of a 2 x 2 plane will need to scale by fifty thousand (50, 000)
2 days ago

1 Answer

Replicating your steps:

I vectorized your design and I saved it in SVG.

Imported in Blender and I noticed the svg comes too small.

Not so small as yours.

I entered Edit mode Tab, then Select all A, then S, then 50 and finally Enter.

This made it big enough.

In your case, I think S, 200 could be enough.

See the image below:

enter image description here

sorry for the late comment. I followed your explanation and it worked. Thank you so much for your help!
– Min

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