Ionic “Error with start undefined” after python3

Multi tool use
Ionic “Error with start undefined” after python3
When I do ionic start helloWorld blank
ionic start helloWorld blank
I get this error
Error with start undefined
Error Initializing app: There was an error with the spawned command: npminstall
Error with start undefined
Error Initializing app: There was an error with the spawned command: npminstall
The above command worked without error when I tried it last(a few months ago) Now I've tried updating ionic
, but still same error.
I had recently used Anaconda to get python3. So I'm afraid this might be related to that. I tried an alias (suggested here but still getting the same error.
I've tried downgrading via anaconda, with
conda install python=2.7.3
but still getting the same error from ionic.
ionic info
ionic info
Cordova CLI: 6.5.0
Ionic CLI Version: 2.2.3
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.2.1
ios-deploy version: 1.9.0
ios-sim version: 5.0.8
OS: macOS
Node Version: v9.4.0
Xcode version: Xcode 9.4.1 Build version 9F2000
npm -v
npm -v
This question has not received enough attention.
Ideally, I'd like to keep python3 working for my other project, but still be able to use Ionic.
ionic info
npm -v
@gregory - I added that to the question
– Pat Meeker
when you updated, did you: (1) brew upgrade node; (2) npm install -g npm, (3) npm set registry
– gregory
@gregory I dont remember exactly, but npm install -g npm looks familiar
– Pat Meeker
Can you (re)try those three steps to see what you get?
– gregory
1 Answer
I had this same issue and these steps helped me:
npm uninstall ionic -g
npm cache clean --force
npm i npm -g
npm i ionic -g
Thanks for your suggestion. I still get the same error from Ionic.
– Pat Meeker
13 hours ago
Okay this will solve your problem then
– Surendra Singh Chhabra
11 hours ago
I still get the same error
– Pat Meeker
5 hours ago
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can you tell us the output of
ionic info
andnpm -v
?– gregory