Multi graphs in one plot with axis labels in multiples of Pi [duplicate]
Multi graphs in one plot with axis labels in multiples of Pi [duplicate]
This question already has an answer here:
How can I show Pi instead of numbers in x-axis of the plot below?
Plot[Sin[t], Cos[t]^2, Cos[t], t, -Pi/2, Pi/2, PlotStyle -> Red, Blue, Orange]
This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.
Ticks -> Range[-Pi/2, Pi/2, Pi/8], Automatic
Thank you for your comment. Ticks do what I need but I need axis to be more thick @kglr
– Holger Mate
2 days ago
This is already a different question. What you need is
AxesStyle -> Thick
. Have a look at other options and examples of Plot
.– Johu
2 days ago
AxesStyle -> Thick
1 Answer
You can create a custom Ticks
function using FindDivisions
ticksF = Join[Thread[#, #, 0.03, 0., Thickness[0.005], List, 2],
Thread[Complement[Join @@ #2, #], "", 0.02, 0., Thickness[0.003], List, 1]] & @@
FindDivisions[##] &;
Plot[Sin[t], Cos[t]^2, Cos[t], t, - Pi / 2, Pi / 2,
PlotStyle -> Red, Blue, Orange,
Ticks -> ticksF[-Pi / 2, Pi / 2, Pi/8, Pi / 32, 4, 10], Automatic,
AxesStyle -> Thick]
Ticks -> ticksF[-Pi/2, Pi/2, Pi/8, Pi/32, 8, 10], Automatic
to get
use the option
Ticks -> Range[-Pi/2, Pi/2, Pi/8], Automatic
?– kglr
2 days ago