PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: operator not supported for strings

I realise that this question has been asked a number of times but I am yet to find a solution to this problem.

I am using pChart (pData v2.1.4). It works fine on the hosting site which is running php v5.6.30 but I getting a fatal error with the same code on XAMMP which is running php v7.2.5.

The error refers to this line in pData: (NOTE: pData is a class written by a third party and so not my code)

function convertToArray($Value)
$Values = ""; $Values = $Value; return($Values);

Any suggestions as to how to resolve the problem? I have tried declaring $Values as an array earlier in the code but this seemed to cause more errors.

Also, is this php version related and an error that I am going to start getting if my hosting site moves on to a newer version php?

4 Answers

You can't convert string to array ($Values = ""; $Values = $Value;), so right variant:

$Values = ""; $Values = $Value;

function convertToArray($value)
return [$value];

You have declared $Values as string:


$Values = "";

Fix replacing with array:

function convertToArray($Value)

$Values = ;
$Values = $Value;
return $Values;

But, in my opinion, there is no reason to use this function.
In your code, just define an array of the same variable with:

$Value = [$Value];

It will do the same as your function.

Try this,

function convertToArray($Value)
$Values = array(); // initialize

if ( isset($Value) ) $Values = $Value;


Let me know if it works or not.

Values should declared as Array Try this.

function convertToArray($Value)
$Values = ;
$Values = $Value;
return $Values;

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