What's the best side of the plane to see for arbitrary flights? [closed]

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;

up vote
down vote


With seatguru.com you can see which window seats will have the view blocked by the aircraft wings, but that doesn't tell you which side of the plane has the "best" view. Is there a website that'll provide some insight into that?

Also, I realize "best" is a bit subjective but then again, hotel ratings on Expedia are also subjective. The fact that something is subjective doesn't mean that there aren't websites that address it or provide the ability for people to give feedback or something.

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closed as primarily opinion-based by Burhan Khalid, jwenting, Ali Awan, Giorgio, Dmitry Grigoryev Jun 21 at 16:18

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 20

    The best seat is in the front of the plane - ie, the pilots. Unobstructed view of everything. Seriously, this is perhaps the most unanswerable question posted here yet.
    – Burhan Khalid
    Jun 21 at 3:18

  • 4

    @MarkMayo you should fly Tu-134 then.
    – el.pescado
    Jun 21 at 5:56

  • 4

    Whichever side is facing where the sun will be so you can close your blind. Otherwise you get hit in the face with sun-rays because the person across the aisle is asleep. ;)
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 21 at 6:17

  • 5

    Most flights that I remember, the views were boring. Especially on cruising altitude.
    – el.pescado
    Jun 21 at 6:45

  • 3

    Jimmy likes the forward port side because he has no unobstructed landscape views and no awkward eye-contact with flight attendants in jump seats. Paul likes the starboard side because he flies south in the morning and north in the evening and he doesn't want the sun in his eyes. I like to sit right over the back part of the wing because I like to watch the flaps and air brakes operate. "Best" is more than just a bit subjective, it's entirely so. Figure out your criteria and then your answer should be more clear.
    – johnVonTrapp
    Jun 21 at 16:37

up vote
down vote


With seatguru.com you can see which window seats will have the view blocked by the aircraft wings, but that doesn't tell you which side of the plane has the "best" view. Is there a website that'll provide some insight into that?

Also, I realize "best" is a bit subjective but then again, hotel ratings on Expedia are also subjective. The fact that something is subjective doesn't mean that there aren't websites that address it or provide the ability for people to give feedback or something.

share|improve this question

closed as primarily opinion-based by Burhan Khalid, jwenting, Ali Awan, Giorgio, Dmitry Grigoryev Jun 21 at 16:18

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 20

    The best seat is in the front of the plane - ie, the pilots. Unobstructed view of everything. Seriously, this is perhaps the most unanswerable question posted here yet.
    – Burhan Khalid
    Jun 21 at 3:18

  • 4

    @MarkMayo you should fly Tu-134 then.
    – el.pescado
    Jun 21 at 5:56

  • 4

    Whichever side is facing where the sun will be so you can close your blind. Otherwise you get hit in the face with sun-rays because the person across the aisle is asleep. ;)
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 21 at 6:17

  • 5

    Most flights that I remember, the views were boring. Especially on cruising altitude.
    – el.pescado
    Jun 21 at 6:45

  • 3

    Jimmy likes the forward port side because he has no unobstructed landscape views and no awkward eye-contact with flight attendants in jump seats. Paul likes the starboard side because he flies south in the morning and north in the evening and he doesn't want the sun in his eyes. I like to sit right over the back part of the wing because I like to watch the flaps and air brakes operate. "Best" is more than just a bit subjective, it's entirely so. Figure out your criteria and then your answer should be more clear.
    – johnVonTrapp
    Jun 21 at 16:37

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



With seatguru.com you can see which window seats will have the view blocked by the aircraft wings, but that doesn't tell you which side of the plane has the "best" view. Is there a website that'll provide some insight into that?

Also, I realize "best" is a bit subjective but then again, hotel ratings on Expedia are also subjective. The fact that something is subjective doesn't mean that there aren't websites that address it or provide the ability for people to give feedback or something.

share|improve this question

With seatguru.com you can see which window seats will have the view blocked by the aircraft wings, but that doesn't tell you which side of the plane has the "best" view. Is there a website that'll provide some insight into that?

Also, I realize "best" is a bit subjective but then again, hotel ratings on Expedia are also subjective. The fact that something is subjective doesn't mean that there aren't websites that address it or provide the ability for people to give feedback or something.

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Jun 21 at 3:14




asked Jun 21 at 3:09




closed as primarily opinion-based by Burhan Khalid, jwenting, Ali Awan, Giorgio, Dmitry Grigoryev Jun 21 at 16:18

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as primarily opinion-based by Burhan Khalid, jwenting, Ali Awan, Giorgio, Dmitry Grigoryev Jun 21 at 16:18

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 20

    The best seat is in the front of the plane - ie, the pilots. Unobstructed view of everything. Seriously, this is perhaps the most unanswerable question posted here yet.
    – Burhan Khalid
    Jun 21 at 3:18

  • 4

    @MarkMayo you should fly Tu-134 then.
    – el.pescado
    Jun 21 at 5:56

  • 4

    Whichever side is facing where the sun will be so you can close your blind. Otherwise you get hit in the face with sun-rays because the person across the aisle is asleep. ;)
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 21 at 6:17

  • 5

    Most flights that I remember, the views were boring. Especially on cruising altitude.
    – el.pescado
    Jun 21 at 6:45

  • 3

    Jimmy likes the forward port side because he has no unobstructed landscape views and no awkward eye-contact with flight attendants in jump seats. Paul likes the starboard side because he flies south in the morning and north in the evening and he doesn't want the sun in his eyes. I like to sit right over the back part of the wing because I like to watch the flaps and air brakes operate. "Best" is more than just a bit subjective, it's entirely so. Figure out your criteria and then your answer should be more clear.
    – johnVonTrapp
    Jun 21 at 16:37

  • 20

    The best seat is in the front of the plane - ie, the pilots. Unobstructed view of everything. Seriously, this is perhaps the most unanswerable question posted here yet.
    – Burhan Khalid
    Jun 21 at 3:18

  • 4

    @MarkMayo you should fly Tu-134 then.
    – el.pescado
    Jun 21 at 5:56

  • 4

    Whichever side is facing where the sun will be so you can close your blind. Otherwise you get hit in the face with sun-rays because the person across the aisle is asleep. ;)
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 21 at 6:17

  • 5

    Most flights that I remember, the views were boring. Especially on cruising altitude.
    – el.pescado
    Jun 21 at 6:45

  • 3

    Jimmy likes the forward port side because he has no unobstructed landscape views and no awkward eye-contact with flight attendants in jump seats. Paul likes the starboard side because he flies south in the morning and north in the evening and he doesn't want the sun in his eyes. I like to sit right over the back part of the wing because I like to watch the flaps and air brakes operate. "Best" is more than just a bit subjective, it's entirely so. Figure out your criteria and then your answer should be more clear.
    – johnVonTrapp
    Jun 21 at 16:37



The best seat is in the front of the plane - ie, the pilots. Unobstructed view of everything. Seriously, this is perhaps the most unanswerable question posted here yet.
– Burhan Khalid
Jun 21 at 3:18

The best seat is in the front of the plane - ie, the pilots. Unobstructed view of everything. Seriously, this is perhaps the most unanswerable question posted here yet.
– Burhan Khalid
Jun 21 at 3:18



@MarkMayo you should fly Tu-134 then.
– el.pescado
Jun 21 at 5:56

@MarkMayo you should fly Tu-134 then.
– el.pescado
Jun 21 at 5:56



Whichever side is facing where the sun will be so you can close your blind. Otherwise you get hit in the face with sun-rays because the person across the aisle is asleep. ;)
– Raystafarian
Jun 21 at 6:17

Whichever side is facing where the sun will be so you can close your blind. Otherwise you get hit in the face with sun-rays because the person across the aisle is asleep. ;)
– Raystafarian
Jun 21 at 6:17



Most flights that I remember, the views were boring. Especially on cruising altitude.
– el.pescado
Jun 21 at 6:45

Most flights that I remember, the views were boring. Especially on cruising altitude.
– el.pescado
Jun 21 at 6:45



Jimmy likes the forward port side because he has no unobstructed landscape views and no awkward eye-contact with flight attendants in jump seats. Paul likes the starboard side because he flies south in the morning and north in the evening and he doesn't want the sun in his eyes. I like to sit right over the back part of the wing because I like to watch the flaps and air brakes operate. "Best" is more than just a bit subjective, it's entirely so. Figure out your criteria and then your answer should be more clear.
– johnVonTrapp
Jun 21 at 16:37

Jimmy likes the forward port side because he has no unobstructed landscape views and no awkward eye-contact with flight attendants in jump seats. Paul likes the starboard side because he flies south in the morning and north in the evening and he doesn't want the sun in his eyes. I like to sit right over the back part of the wing because I like to watch the flaps and air brakes operate. "Best" is more than just a bit subjective, it's entirely so. Figure out your criteria and then your answer should be more clear.
– johnVonTrapp
Jun 21 at 16:37

4 Answers




up vote
down vote


You will find this information reported by travelers on many forums but as far as I know, there is no website that aggregates and provides a distribution of that information but this is a complex problem:

  • What is in view at take-off, cruising and landing is different, so some chances are that some of the great views might be visible from different sides on a single flight. I recall one announcement telling passengers on one side could witness a glacier separated from Greenland. Being on the other side I could not see any of it.

  • Some airport configuration have a direction of landing and take-off which may be fixed per runway but most large airports allow planes to land either way and they usually direct them to land against the wind. Winds not always coming from the same direction means that sides can get reversed. It does happen often but if you can check weather-patters and figure out dominant winds you can have a better change of choose the better side.

  • Even the time of the flight matters with a considerable different in view. Landing in Quito during the daytime shows the sprawling city to one side but an even more magnificent view of the Andes and several volcanoes. Turn this to night and the andes go completely back and the city looks like a constellation made of street lights.

Seeing sunrise or sunset while in the air is spectacular, but you have to take a flight at the right time so that it is above the cloud cover during the event. At least, for those two moments choosing the best side is much easier: Sunset is West, sunrise is east.

Given all this info you will be hard-press to find a central resource since the subjective best view will really depend, on the flight, points of interest, time of day and prevailing winds (for many airports).

share|improve this answer

  • 14

    "there is one website"? which is? Presume you meant no one website?
    – Mark Mayo♦
    Jun 21 at 4:15

  • Here is a specific question about "best" at a particular airport travel.stackexchange.com/q/84147/6188 (in which ironically, you commented on my answer)
    – Peter M
    Jun 21 at 10:39

up vote
down vote

Punch in your flight code into a tracking site like FlightAware and take a look at the paths the plane flew previously. There's no guarantee that you'll fly exactly the same route — particularly around airports, takeoffs and landings frequently change runways/approach routes based on traffic, winds, etc — but the core of the route is likely to be pretty much the same.

share|improve this answer

    up vote
    down vote

    For the best view you need to be on the DOWN-sun side, ie with the sun behind you. This lights up the ground best, and gets rid of the back-scatter from the sun-light through the scratches on the window.

    share|improve this answer

    • 2

      Position of sun is always my first choice (after selecting a window seat): you want to look outside, not to be blind from Sun (and reflections).
      – Giacomo Catenazzi
      Jun 21 at 8:03

    • Estimating the position of the Sun during an intercontinental flight is not completely trivial, as it requires calculating the local solar time mid-flight.
      – gerrit
      Jun 22 at 13:57

    up vote
    down vote

    The best side of an aircraft to be in in flight is the inside, period.

    Anything else is so subjective it's not going to be quantifiable.
    Some people actually prefer to sit somewhere where they don't have a window, so as to be able to sleep better without having sunlight stream into their face, and fellow passengers complain when they close the shade (yes, I've seen that happen).

    Plus of course for every window seat there are usually (depending on aircraft type) several seats that are not window seats.

    share|improve this answer

    • 2

      The OP is specifically asking about seeing outside.
      – jpatokal
      Jun 21 at 4:58

    • 1

      @jpatokal The designated smoking area is on the wings.
      – Alexander
      Jun 21 at 10:58

    • best side ... is the inside and so as to be able to sleep better - yeah, and then the chances are the two people that are on the inside will constantly be waking you up every time they want to use the bathroom.
      – RusI
      Jun 22 at 5:25

    • 1

      @RusI I think by "inside" jwenting means inside the airplane, as opposed to outside the airplane (on top or on the wings).
      – gerrit
      Jun 22 at 13:55

    4 Answers




    4 Answers










    up vote
    down vote


    You will find this information reported by travelers on many forums but as far as I know, there is no website that aggregates and provides a distribution of that information but this is a complex problem:

    • What is in view at take-off, cruising and landing is different, so some chances are that some of the great views might be visible from different sides on a single flight. I recall one announcement telling passengers on one side could witness a glacier separated from Greenland. Being on the other side I could not see any of it.

    • Some airport configuration have a direction of landing and take-off which may be fixed per runway but most large airports allow planes to land either way and they usually direct them to land against the wind. Winds not always coming from the same direction means that sides can get reversed. It does happen often but if you can check weather-patters and figure out dominant winds you can have a better change of choose the better side.

    • Even the time of the flight matters with a considerable different in view. Landing in Quito during the daytime shows the sprawling city to one side but an even more magnificent view of the Andes and several volcanoes. Turn this to night and the andes go completely back and the city looks like a constellation made of street lights.

    Seeing sunrise or sunset while in the air is spectacular, but you have to take a flight at the right time so that it is above the cloud cover during the event. At least, for those two moments choosing the best side is much easier: Sunset is West, sunrise is east.

    Given all this info you will be hard-press to find a central resource since the subjective best view will really depend, on the flight, points of interest, time of day and prevailing winds (for many airports).

    share|improve this answer

    • 14

      "there is one website"? which is? Presume you meant no one website?
      – Mark Mayo♦
      Jun 21 at 4:15

    • Here is a specific question about "best" at a particular airport travel.stackexchange.com/q/84147/6188 (in which ironically, you commented on my answer)
      – Peter M
      Jun 21 at 10:39

    up vote
    down vote


    You will find this information reported by travelers on many forums but as far as I know, there is no website that aggregates and provides a distribution of that information but this is a complex problem:

    • What is in view at take-off, cruising and landing is different, so some chances are that some of the great views might be visible from different sides on a single flight. I recall one announcement telling passengers on one side could witness a glacier separated from Greenland. Being on the other side I could not see any of it.

    • Some airport configuration have a direction of landing and take-off which may be fixed per runway but most large airports allow planes to land either way and they usually direct them to land against the wind. Winds not always coming from the same direction means that sides can get reversed. It does happen often but if you can check weather-patters and figure out dominant winds you can have a better change of choose the better side.

    • Even the time of the flight matters with a considerable different in view. Landing in Quito during the daytime shows the sprawling city to one side but an even more magnificent view of the Andes and several volcanoes. Turn this to night and the andes go completely back and the city looks like a constellation made of street lights.

    Seeing sunrise or sunset while in the air is spectacular, but you have to take a flight at the right time so that it is above the cloud cover during the event. At least, for those two moments choosing the best side is much easier: Sunset is West, sunrise is east.

    Given all this info you will be hard-press to find a central resource since the subjective best view will really depend, on the flight, points of interest, time of day and prevailing winds (for many airports).

    share|improve this answer

    • 14

      "there is one website"? which is? Presume you meant no one website?
      – Mark Mayo♦
      Jun 21 at 4:15

    • Here is a specific question about "best" at a particular airport travel.stackexchange.com/q/84147/6188 (in which ironically, you commented on my answer)
      – Peter M
      Jun 21 at 10:39

    up vote
    down vote


    up vote
    down vote


    You will find this information reported by travelers on many forums but as far as I know, there is no website that aggregates and provides a distribution of that information but this is a complex problem:

    • What is in view at take-off, cruising and landing is different, so some chances are that some of the great views might be visible from different sides on a single flight. I recall one announcement telling passengers on one side could witness a glacier separated from Greenland. Being on the other side I could not see any of it.

    • Some airport configuration have a direction of landing and take-off which may be fixed per runway but most large airports allow planes to land either way and they usually direct them to land against the wind. Winds not always coming from the same direction means that sides can get reversed. It does happen often but if you can check weather-patters and figure out dominant winds you can have a better change of choose the better side.

    • Even the time of the flight matters with a considerable different in view. Landing in Quito during the daytime shows the sprawling city to one side but an even more magnificent view of the Andes and several volcanoes. Turn this to night and the andes go completely back and the city looks like a constellation made of street lights.

    Seeing sunrise or sunset while in the air is spectacular, but you have to take a flight at the right time so that it is above the cloud cover during the event. At least, for those two moments choosing the best side is much easier: Sunset is West, sunrise is east.

    Given all this info you will be hard-press to find a central resource since the subjective best view will really depend, on the flight, points of interest, time of day and prevailing winds (for many airports).

    share|improve this answer

    You will find this information reported by travelers on many forums but as far as I know, there is no website that aggregates and provides a distribution of that information but this is a complex problem:

    • What is in view at take-off, cruising and landing is different, so some chances are that some of the great views might be visible from different sides on a single flight. I recall one announcement telling passengers on one side could witness a glacier separated from Greenland. Being on the other side I could not see any of it.

    • Some airport configuration have a direction of landing and take-off which may be fixed per runway but most large airports allow planes to land either way and they usually direct them to land against the wind. Winds not always coming from the same direction means that sides can get reversed. It does happen often but if you can check weather-patters and figure out dominant winds you can have a better change of choose the better side.

    • Even the time of the flight matters with a considerable different in view. Landing in Quito during the daytime shows the sprawling city to one side but an even more magnificent view of the Andes and several volcanoes. Turn this to night and the andes go completely back and the city looks like a constellation made of street lights.

    Seeing sunrise or sunset while in the air is spectacular, but you have to take a flight at the right time so that it is above the cloud cover during the event. At least, for those two moments choosing the best side is much easier: Sunset is West, sunrise is east.

    Given all this info you will be hard-press to find a central resource since the subjective best view will really depend, on the flight, points of interest, time of day and prevailing winds (for many airports).

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited Jun 21 at 12:36

    answered Jun 21 at 3:31




    • 14

      "there is one website"? which is? Presume you meant no one website?
      – Mark Mayo♦
      Jun 21 at 4:15

    • Here is a specific question about "best" at a particular airport travel.stackexchange.com/q/84147/6188 (in which ironically, you commented on my answer)
      – Peter M
      Jun 21 at 10:39

    • 14

      "there is one website"? which is? Presume you meant no one website?
      – Mark Mayo♦
      Jun 21 at 4:15

    • Here is a specific question about "best" at a particular airport travel.stackexchange.com/q/84147/6188 (in which ironically, you commented on my answer)
      – Peter M
      Jun 21 at 10:39



    "there is one website"? which is? Presume you meant no one website?
    – Mark Mayo♦
    Jun 21 at 4:15

    "there is one website"? which is? Presume you meant no one website?
    – Mark Mayo♦
    Jun 21 at 4:15

    Here is a specific question about "best" at a particular airport travel.stackexchange.com/q/84147/6188 (in which ironically, you commented on my answer)
    – Peter M
    Jun 21 at 10:39

    Here is a specific question about "best" at a particular airport travel.stackexchange.com/q/84147/6188 (in which ironically, you commented on my answer)
    – Peter M
    Jun 21 at 10:39

    up vote
    down vote

    Punch in your flight code into a tracking site like FlightAware and take a look at the paths the plane flew previously. There's no guarantee that you'll fly exactly the same route — particularly around airports, takeoffs and landings frequently change runways/approach routes based on traffic, winds, etc — but the core of the route is likely to be pretty much the same.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      Punch in your flight code into a tracking site like FlightAware and take a look at the paths the plane flew previously. There's no guarantee that you'll fly exactly the same route — particularly around airports, takeoffs and landings frequently change runways/approach routes based on traffic, winds, etc — but the core of the route is likely to be pretty much the same.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        Punch in your flight code into a tracking site like FlightAware and take a look at the paths the plane flew previously. There's no guarantee that you'll fly exactly the same route — particularly around airports, takeoffs and landings frequently change runways/approach routes based on traffic, winds, etc — but the core of the route is likely to be pretty much the same.

        share|improve this answer

        Punch in your flight code into a tracking site like FlightAware and take a look at the paths the plane flew previously. There's no guarantee that you'll fly exactly the same route — particularly around airports, takeoffs and landings frequently change runways/approach routes based on traffic, winds, etc — but the core of the route is likely to be pretty much the same.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Jun 21 at 3:40




            up vote
            down vote

            For the best view you need to be on the DOWN-sun side, ie with the sun behind you. This lights up the ground best, and gets rid of the back-scatter from the sun-light through the scratches on the window.

            share|improve this answer

            • 2

              Position of sun is always my first choice (after selecting a window seat): you want to look outside, not to be blind from Sun (and reflections).
              – Giacomo Catenazzi
              Jun 21 at 8:03

            • Estimating the position of the Sun during an intercontinental flight is not completely trivial, as it requires calculating the local solar time mid-flight.
              – gerrit
              Jun 22 at 13:57

            up vote
            down vote

            For the best view you need to be on the DOWN-sun side, ie with the sun behind you. This lights up the ground best, and gets rid of the back-scatter from the sun-light through the scratches on the window.

            share|improve this answer

            • 2

              Position of sun is always my first choice (after selecting a window seat): you want to look outside, not to be blind from Sun (and reflections).
              – Giacomo Catenazzi
              Jun 21 at 8:03

            • Estimating the position of the Sun during an intercontinental flight is not completely trivial, as it requires calculating the local solar time mid-flight.
              – gerrit
              Jun 22 at 13:57

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            For the best view you need to be on the DOWN-sun side, ie with the sun behind you. This lights up the ground best, and gets rid of the back-scatter from the sun-light through the scratches on the window.

            share|improve this answer

            For the best view you need to be on the DOWN-sun side, ie with the sun behind you. This lights up the ground best, and gets rid of the back-scatter from the sun-light through the scratches on the window.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Jun 21 at 7:53




            • 2

              Position of sun is always my first choice (after selecting a window seat): you want to look outside, not to be blind from Sun (and reflections).
              – Giacomo Catenazzi
              Jun 21 at 8:03

            • Estimating the position of the Sun during an intercontinental flight is not completely trivial, as it requires calculating the local solar time mid-flight.
              – gerrit
              Jun 22 at 13:57

            • 2

              Position of sun is always my first choice (after selecting a window seat): you want to look outside, not to be blind from Sun (and reflections).
              – Giacomo Catenazzi
              Jun 21 at 8:03

            • Estimating the position of the Sun during an intercontinental flight is not completely trivial, as it requires calculating the local solar time mid-flight.
              – gerrit
              Jun 22 at 13:57



            Position of sun is always my first choice (after selecting a window seat): you want to look outside, not to be blind from Sun (and reflections).
            – Giacomo Catenazzi
            Jun 21 at 8:03

            Position of sun is always my first choice (after selecting a window seat): you want to look outside, not to be blind from Sun (and reflections).
            – Giacomo Catenazzi
            Jun 21 at 8:03

            Estimating the position of the Sun during an intercontinental flight is not completely trivial, as it requires calculating the local solar time mid-flight.
            – gerrit
            Jun 22 at 13:57

            Estimating the position of the Sun during an intercontinental flight is not completely trivial, as it requires calculating the local solar time mid-flight.
            – gerrit
            Jun 22 at 13:57

            up vote
            down vote

            The best side of an aircraft to be in in flight is the inside, period.

            Anything else is so subjective it's not going to be quantifiable.
            Some people actually prefer to sit somewhere where they don't have a window, so as to be able to sleep better without having sunlight stream into their face, and fellow passengers complain when they close the shade (yes, I've seen that happen).

            Plus of course for every window seat there are usually (depending on aircraft type) several seats that are not window seats.

            share|improve this answer

            • 2

              The OP is specifically asking about seeing outside.
              – jpatokal
              Jun 21 at 4:58

            • 1

              @jpatokal The designated smoking area is on the wings.
              – Alexander
              Jun 21 at 10:58

            • best side ... is the inside and so as to be able to sleep better - yeah, and then the chances are the two people that are on the inside will constantly be waking you up every time they want to use the bathroom.
              – RusI
              Jun 22 at 5:25

            • 1

              @RusI I think by "inside" jwenting means inside the airplane, as opposed to outside the airplane (on top or on the wings).
              – gerrit
              Jun 22 at 13:55

            up vote
            down vote

            The best side of an aircraft to be in in flight is the inside, period.

            Anything else is so subjective it's not going to be quantifiable.
            Some people actually prefer to sit somewhere where they don't have a window, so as to be able to sleep better without having sunlight stream into their face, and fellow passengers complain when they close the shade (yes, I've seen that happen).

            Plus of course for every window seat there are usually (depending on aircraft type) several seats that are not window seats.

            share|improve this answer

            • 2

              The OP is specifically asking about seeing outside.
              – jpatokal
              Jun 21 at 4:58

            • 1

              @jpatokal The designated smoking area is on the wings.
              – Alexander
              Jun 21 at 10:58

            • best side ... is the inside and so as to be able to sleep better - yeah, and then the chances are the two people that are on the inside will constantly be waking you up every time they want to use the bathroom.
              – RusI
              Jun 22 at 5:25

            • 1

              @RusI I think by "inside" jwenting means inside the airplane, as opposed to outside the airplane (on top or on the wings).
              – gerrit
              Jun 22 at 13:55

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            The best side of an aircraft to be in in flight is the inside, period.

            Anything else is so subjective it's not going to be quantifiable.
            Some people actually prefer to sit somewhere where they don't have a window, so as to be able to sleep better without having sunlight stream into their face, and fellow passengers complain when they close the shade (yes, I've seen that happen).

            Plus of course for every window seat there are usually (depending on aircraft type) several seats that are not window seats.

            share|improve this answer

            The best side of an aircraft to be in in flight is the inside, period.

            Anything else is so subjective it's not going to be quantifiable.
            Some people actually prefer to sit somewhere where they don't have a window, so as to be able to sleep better without having sunlight stream into their face, and fellow passengers complain when they close the shade (yes, I've seen that happen).

            Plus of course for every window seat there are usually (depending on aircraft type) several seats that are not window seats.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Jun 21 at 4:56




            • 2

              The OP is specifically asking about seeing outside.
              – jpatokal
              Jun 21 at 4:58

            • 1

              @jpatokal The designated smoking area is on the wings.
              – Alexander
              Jun 21 at 10:58

            • best side ... is the inside and so as to be able to sleep better - yeah, and then the chances are the two people that are on the inside will constantly be waking you up every time they want to use the bathroom.
              – RusI
              Jun 22 at 5:25

            • 1

              @RusI I think by "inside" jwenting means inside the airplane, as opposed to outside the airplane (on top or on the wings).
              – gerrit
              Jun 22 at 13:55

            • 2

              The OP is specifically asking about seeing outside.
              – jpatokal
              Jun 21 at 4:58

            • 1

              @jpatokal The designated smoking area is on the wings.
              – Alexander
              Jun 21 at 10:58

            • best side ... is the inside and so as to be able to sleep better - yeah, and then the chances are the two people that are on the inside will constantly be waking you up every time they want to use the bathroom.
              – RusI
              Jun 22 at 5:25

            • 1

              @RusI I think by "inside" jwenting means inside the airplane, as opposed to outside the airplane (on top or on the wings).
              – gerrit
              Jun 22 at 13:55



            The OP is specifically asking about seeing outside.
            – jpatokal
            Jun 21 at 4:58

            The OP is specifically asking about seeing outside.
            – jpatokal
            Jun 21 at 4:58



            @jpatokal The designated smoking area is on the wings.
            – Alexander
            Jun 21 at 10:58

            @jpatokal The designated smoking area is on the wings.
            – Alexander
            Jun 21 at 10:58

            best side ... is the inside and so as to be able to sleep better - yeah, and then the chances are the two people that are on the inside will constantly be waking you up every time they want to use the bathroom.
            – RusI
            Jun 22 at 5:25

            best side ... is the inside and so as to be able to sleep better - yeah, and then the chances are the two people that are on the inside will constantly be waking you up every time they want to use the bathroom.
            – RusI
            Jun 22 at 5:25



            @RusI I think by "inside" jwenting means inside the airplane, as opposed to outside the airplane (on top or on the wings).
            – gerrit
            Jun 22 at 13:55

            @RusI I think by "inside" jwenting means inside the airplane, as opposed to outside the airplane (on top or on the wings).
            – gerrit
            Jun 22 at 13:55

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