Applying for Ireland Visa with UK valid Visa [closed]

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I intend to visit Ireland during my 15 days vacationing in the UK.

Please, what are my chances of getting the visa?

I plan to submit the following documents

  1. Hotel Reservation for 2Nights

  2. Employment letter, Leave letter, Remuneration review letter, Introduction letter

  3. 7 Months Bank Statement **** Two Accounts **** (Since I have 6months printed, I will print for this month making 7 months)

  4. 7 Months Payslips

  5. 2 land properties doc (Deed and Receipts)

  6. Proof of additional income (Invoice, mails)

  7. Additional income business profile

  8. Tax Certificate (PayE) ****Just like an ID.

  9. National ID Card and Work ID

  10. Cover Letter (Stating I would like to visit Dublin for 2 nights during my holiday in the UK)

*** Is it compulsory i submit a booked ticket to the UK.

Thank you as I await your response.

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closed as primarily opinion-based by Musonius Rufus, Giorgio, David Richerby, Mark Mayo♦ Jul 25 at 23:29

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • Omo Naija, from what you have provided and the fact that you already acquired a UK visa, your chances are good.
    – Musonius Rufus
    Jul 25 at 17:25

  • For clarity, what’s your citizenship and country of residence?
    – Traveller
    Jul 25 at 18:49

  • @TheZealot Gbayii!
    – olowogbo
    Jul 25 at 19:33

  • @Traveller Am a Nigerian
    – olowogbo
    Jul 25 at 19:33

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down vote


I intend to visit Ireland during my 15 days vacationing in the UK.

Please, what are my chances of getting the visa?

I plan to submit the following documents

  1. Hotel Reservation for 2Nights

  2. Employment letter, Leave letter, Remuneration review letter, Introduction letter

  3. 7 Months Bank Statement **** Two Accounts **** (Since I have 6months printed, I will print for this month making 7 months)

  4. 7 Months Payslips

  5. 2 land properties doc (Deed and Receipts)

  6. Proof of additional income (Invoice, mails)

  7. Additional income business profile

  8. Tax Certificate (PayE) ****Just like an ID.

  9. National ID Card and Work ID

  10. Cover Letter (Stating I would like to visit Dublin for 2 nights during my holiday in the UK)

*** Is it compulsory i submit a booked ticket to the UK.

Thank you as I await your response.

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closed as primarily opinion-based by Musonius Rufus, Giorgio, David Richerby, Mark Mayo♦ Jul 25 at 23:29

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • Omo Naija, from what you have provided and the fact that you already acquired a UK visa, your chances are good.
    – Musonius Rufus
    Jul 25 at 17:25

  • For clarity, what’s your citizenship and country of residence?
    – Traveller
    Jul 25 at 18:49

  • @TheZealot Gbayii!
    – olowogbo
    Jul 25 at 19:33

  • @Traveller Am a Nigerian
    – olowogbo
    Jul 25 at 19:33

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up vote
down vote



I intend to visit Ireland during my 15 days vacationing in the UK.

Please, what are my chances of getting the visa?

I plan to submit the following documents

  1. Hotel Reservation for 2Nights

  2. Employment letter, Leave letter, Remuneration review letter, Introduction letter

  3. 7 Months Bank Statement **** Two Accounts **** (Since I have 6months printed, I will print for this month making 7 months)

  4. 7 Months Payslips

  5. 2 land properties doc (Deed and Receipts)

  6. Proof of additional income (Invoice, mails)

  7. Additional income business profile

  8. Tax Certificate (PayE) ****Just like an ID.

  9. National ID Card and Work ID

  10. Cover Letter (Stating I would like to visit Dublin for 2 nights during my holiday in the UK)

*** Is it compulsory i submit a booked ticket to the UK.

Thank you as I await your response.

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I intend to visit Ireland during my 15 days vacationing in the UK.

Please, what are my chances of getting the visa?

I plan to submit the following documents

  1. Hotel Reservation for 2Nights

  2. Employment letter, Leave letter, Remuneration review letter, Introduction letter

  3. 7 Months Bank Statement **** Two Accounts **** (Since I have 6months printed, I will print for this month making 7 months)

  4. 7 Months Payslips

  5. 2 land properties doc (Deed and Receipts)

  6. Proof of additional income (Invoice, mails)

  7. Additional income business profile

  8. Tax Certificate (PayE) ****Just like an ID.

  9. National ID Card and Work ID

  10. Cover Letter (Stating I would like to visit Dublin for 2 nights during my holiday in the UK)

*** Is it compulsory i submit a booked ticket to the UK.

Thank you as I await your response.

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edited Aug 2 at 23:14

asked Jul 25 at 15:30




closed as primarily opinion-based by Musonius Rufus, Giorgio, David Richerby, Mark Mayo♦ Jul 25 at 23:29

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as primarily opinion-based by Musonius Rufus, Giorgio, David Richerby, Mark Mayo♦ Jul 25 at 23:29

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • Omo Naija, from what you have provided and the fact that you already acquired a UK visa, your chances are good.
    – Musonius Rufus
    Jul 25 at 17:25

  • For clarity, what’s your citizenship and country of residence?
    – Traveller
    Jul 25 at 18:49

  • @TheZealot Gbayii!
    – olowogbo
    Jul 25 at 19:33

  • @Traveller Am a Nigerian
    – olowogbo
    Jul 25 at 19:33

  • Omo Naija, from what you have provided and the fact that you already acquired a UK visa, your chances are good.
    – Musonius Rufus
    Jul 25 at 17:25

  • For clarity, what’s your citizenship and country of residence?
    – Traveller
    Jul 25 at 18:49

  • @TheZealot Gbayii!
    – olowogbo
    Jul 25 at 19:33

  • @Traveller Am a Nigerian
    – olowogbo
    Jul 25 at 19:33

Omo Naija, from what you have provided and the fact that you already acquired a UK visa, your chances are good.
– Musonius Rufus
Jul 25 at 17:25

Omo Naija, from what you have provided and the fact that you already acquired a UK visa, your chances are good.
– Musonius Rufus
Jul 25 at 17:25

For clarity, what’s your citizenship and country of residence?
– Traveller
Jul 25 at 18:49

For clarity, what’s your citizenship and country of residence?
– Traveller
Jul 25 at 18:49

@TheZealot Gbayii!
– olowogbo
Jul 25 at 19:33

@TheZealot Gbayii!
– olowogbo
Jul 25 at 19:33

@Traveller Am a Nigerian
– olowogbo
Jul 25 at 19:33

@Traveller Am a Nigerian
– olowogbo
Jul 25 at 19:33
















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