Bash: Two for loops at once?

Bash: Two for loops at once?

I am not sure how to do this at all.

I have two text files, FILE1 and FILE2.



I would like to run a for loop for each file at the same time and display the
contents next to each other.

For example,

for $i in $(cat FILE1); do echo $i; done

for $i in $(cat FILE1); do echo $i; done

for $j in $(cat FILE2); do echo $j; done

for $j in $(cat FILE2); do echo $j; done

I would like to combine these two commands, so I can run both files at the same time and have an output like $i $j

$i $j

That is precisely what paste does.
– rici
Aug 18 at 5:25


If you don't want paste (though I guess you do) maybe look at Looping over pairs of values in Bash
– tripleee
Aug 18 at 5:51


5 Answers

Solution 1

Use the paste command


paste FILE1 FILE2

paste FILE1 FILE2

Details for paste command

Another resource

Solution 2

You can do this if they have the same number of lines.

t=$(cat FILE1 | wc -l)
for i in `seq 1 $t`;
cat FILE1|head -n $i|tail -n 1
cat FILE2|head -n $i|tail -n 1

You can extend it to what you want for unequal number of lines.

Solution 2 is horribly inefficient, and should never be used.
– chepner
Aug 18 at 13:13

You shouldn't be using for loops at all; see Bash FAQ 001. Instead, use two read commands in a single while loop.




while IFS= read -r line1 && IFS= read -r line2 <&3; do
printf '%s | %sn' "$line1" "$line2"
done < FILE1 3< FILE2

Each read command reads from a separate file descriptor. In this version, the loop will exit when the shorter of the two files is exhausted.


I wish I could upvote this more than once.
– keithpjolley
Aug 18 at 13:23

There are two different questions being asked here. Other answers address the question of how to display the contents of the file in 2 columns. Running two loops simultaneously (which is the wrong way to address the first problem) can be done by running them each asynchronously: for i in $seqi?; do $cmdi?; done & for j in $seqj?; do $cmdj?; done & wait

for i in $seqi?; do $cmdi?; done & for j in $seqj?; do $cmdj?; done & wait

Although you could also implement paste -d ' ' file1 file2 with something like:

paste -d ' ' file1 file2

while read line_from_file1; p=$?; read line_from_file2 <&3 || test "$p" = 0; do
echo "$line_from_file1" "$line_from_file2"
done < file1 3< file2

I just noticed that @chepner gave nearly this same solution, but I'll not delete mine since it addresses the issue of the files having different line lenghts. But this is totally a hack and should never be done.
– William Pursell
Aug 18 at 13:31

Another option, in bash v4+ is to read the two files into 2 arrays, then echo the array elements side-by-side:


# Load each file into its own array
readarray -t f1 < file1
readarray -t f2 < file2

# Print elements of both arrays side-by-side
for ((i=0;i<$#f1[@];i++)) ; do echo $f1[i] $f2[i]; done

Or change the echo to printf if you want the columns to line up:



printf "%-20s %-20sn" $f1[i] $f2[i]

I'm not suggesting you do this if your files are 100s of megabytes.

You can use another tab by pressing Command T and then run the each bash script on another tab.

Thank you.

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