autoplay first video in results of youtube using python
autoplay first video in results of youtube using python
I want to make an app where I search by typing a certain keyword and the program automatically plays the first video in the search results on youtube. Is it possible? How can I make such an app? I am lost and do not know where to start.
1 Answer
this code is to prints the link of the first video on a search result you provide to the app.. example :-
run the app .. type hello its me .. then it does it magic.
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import re
import webbrowser as wb
query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode("search_query" : input())
html_cont = urllib.request.urlopen(""+query_string)
search_res = re.findall(r'href="/watch?v=(.11)',
print("" + search_results[0])
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