Can I take 2 laptops with me when I emigrate to the Philippines from the UK [closed]

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I am emigrating to the Philippines and want to bring both my laptops with me.
Can this be done.
And what do I say to customs if they ask me.
They are used Laptops

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closed as off-topic by Robert Columbia, Ali Awan, Newton, Giorgio, bytebuster Jun 8 at 18:23

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions about immigration or moving for extended periods of time (studies or employment, among others) are off-topic. Our sister site, Expatriates Stack Exchange might be a better place to ask. See also the meta post Is it OK to ask questions about immigration?." – Robert Columbia, Ali Awan, Newton, Giorgio, bytebuster
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • Welcome! This might be a better fit for our sister site Expatriates.
    – Glorfindel
    Jun 8 at 15:10

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I am emigrating to the Philippines and want to bring both my laptops with me.
Can this be done.
And what do I say to customs if they ask me.
They are used Laptops

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closed as off-topic by Robert Columbia, Ali Awan, Newton, Giorgio, bytebuster Jun 8 at 18:23

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions about immigration or moving for extended periods of time (studies or employment, among others) are off-topic. Our sister site, Expatriates Stack Exchange might be a better place to ask. See also the meta post Is it OK to ask questions about immigration?." – Robert Columbia, Ali Awan, Newton, Giorgio, bytebuster
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • Welcome! This might be a better fit for our sister site Expatriates.
    – Glorfindel
    Jun 8 at 15:10

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I am emigrating to the Philippines and want to bring both my laptops with me.
Can this be done.
And what do I say to customs if they ask me.
They are used Laptops

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I am emigrating to the Philippines and want to bring both my laptops with me.
Can this be done.
And what do I say to customs if they ask me.
They are used Laptops

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asked Jun 8 at 13:18

Derek Christian



closed as off-topic by Robert Columbia, Ali Awan, Newton, Giorgio, bytebuster Jun 8 at 18:23

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions about immigration or moving for extended periods of time (studies or employment, among others) are off-topic. Our sister site, Expatriates Stack Exchange might be a better place to ask. See also the meta post Is it OK to ask questions about immigration?." – Robert Columbia, Ali Awan, Newton, Giorgio, bytebuster
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as off-topic by Robert Columbia, Ali Awan, Newton, Giorgio, bytebuster Jun 8 at 18:23

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions about immigration or moving for extended periods of time (studies or employment, among others) are off-topic. Our sister site, Expatriates Stack Exchange might be a better place to ask. See also the meta post Is it OK to ask questions about immigration?." – Robert Columbia, Ali Awan, Newton, Giorgio, bytebuster
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • Welcome! This might be a better fit for our sister site Expatriates.
    – Glorfindel
    Jun 8 at 15:10

  • Welcome! This might be a better fit for our sister site Expatriates.
    – Glorfindel
    Jun 8 at 15:10

Welcome! This might be a better fit for our sister site Expatriates.
– Glorfindel
Jun 8 at 15:10

Welcome! This might be a better fit for our sister site Expatriates.
– Glorfindel
Jun 8 at 15:10

1 Answer




up vote
down vote

Of course.

I regularly travel with two laptops; one work, one personal.

I've never been asked about why I have two. It's a reasonable number. If you had 5+ then maybe they'd ask questions as that seems odd. But 2 shouldn't be a concern at all.

share|improve this answer

  • Agree. I've entered through NAIA with 2 laptops and other consumer electronics and nobody asked me anything about them.
    – user16259
    Jun 8 at 14:38

1 Answer




1 Answer










up vote
down vote

Of course.

I regularly travel with two laptops; one work, one personal.

I've never been asked about why I have two. It's a reasonable number. If you had 5+ then maybe they'd ask questions as that seems odd. But 2 shouldn't be a concern at all.

share|improve this answer

  • Agree. I've entered through NAIA with 2 laptops and other consumer electronics and nobody asked me anything about them.
    – user16259
    Jun 8 at 14:38

up vote
down vote

Of course.

I regularly travel with two laptops; one work, one personal.

I've never been asked about why I have two. It's a reasonable number. If you had 5+ then maybe they'd ask questions as that seems odd. But 2 shouldn't be a concern at all.

share|improve this answer

  • Agree. I've entered through NAIA with 2 laptops and other consumer electronics and nobody asked me anything about them.
    – user16259
    Jun 8 at 14:38

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote

Of course.

I regularly travel with two laptops; one work, one personal.

I've never been asked about why I have two. It's a reasonable number. If you had 5+ then maybe they'd ask questions as that seems odd. But 2 shouldn't be a concern at all.

share|improve this answer

Of course.

I regularly travel with two laptops; one work, one personal.

I've never been asked about why I have two. It's a reasonable number. If you had 5+ then maybe they'd ask questions as that seems odd. But 2 shouldn't be a concern at all.

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answered Jun 8 at 13:25

the other one



  • Agree. I've entered through NAIA with 2 laptops and other consumer electronics and nobody asked me anything about them.
    – user16259
    Jun 8 at 14:38

  • Agree. I've entered through NAIA with 2 laptops and other consumer electronics and nobody asked me anything about them.
    – user16259
    Jun 8 at 14:38

Agree. I've entered through NAIA with 2 laptops and other consumer electronics and nobody asked me anything about them.
– user16259
Jun 8 at 14:38

Agree. I've entered through NAIA with 2 laptops and other consumer electronics and nobody asked me anything about them.
– user16259
Jun 8 at 14:38

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