read from a text file, tally the results and print them out (python)

read from a text file, tally the results and print them out (python)

I am trying to gather a list from a .txt file, tally the results and then print them out like this

Bones found:
Ankylosaurus: 3
Pachycephalosaurus: 1
Tyrannosaurus Rex: 1
Struthiomimus: 2

An eample of the dot text file is

Tyrannosaurus Rex

My current code pulls all the names from the .txt file, except im completely stuck from there

frequency =
for line in open('bones.txt'):
bones = line.split()

Any help please?

3 Answers

Using collections.defaultdict



from collections import defaultdict

d = defaultdict(int)

with open(filename) as infile: #Open File
for line in infile: #Iterate Each Line
d[line.strip()] += 1

print("Bones found:")
for k, v in d.items():
print(": ".format(k, v))


Bones found:
Struthiomimus: 2
Pachycephalosaurus: 1
Ankylosaurus: 3
Tyrannosaurus Rex: 1

Store each line as a dictionary key (initialized to 0 if line isn't in dict) and increment the value:

frequency =
for line in open('bones.txt'):
if line not in frequency:
frequency[line] = 0

frequency[line] += 1

for k, v in frequency.items():
print(': '.format(k, v))

Hey, that doesnt seem to be working, its printing is adding numbers to the end for the very last one? - Ankylosaurus 3: Pachycephalosaurus 1: Tyrannosaurus Rex 1: Struthiomimus 1: Struthiomimus1:
– Lachlan
Aug 21 at 4:55

After the 'for' line just add 'line = line.rstrip()' it will work.
– kkblue
Aug 21 at 5:10

You can use Counter function from collections library to get this.

from collections import Counter

for k in s.keys():
print (':'.format(k,s[k]))

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