SVG pathLength don't work on safari

SVG pathLength don't work on safari

I am trying to do some growing line animation with SVG and CSS animation. Since the lines have different length respectively, I use pathLength to assign a virtual length for them. Thus i can use only one @keyframe for all of them.



Here is the sample code

<svg width="1000px" height="100px">
<g stroke="#FAB" stroke-width="3">
<line id="Line1" x1="20", y1="20", x2="520", y2="20" pathLength="1000"/>
<line id="Line2" x1="20", y1="50", x2="780", y2="50" pathLength="1000"/>
animation-name: line-grow;
animation-duration: 3s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;

@keyframes line-grow
stroke-dasharray: 0, 1000;

stroke-dasharray: 1000, 1000;


This trick works on Chrome and Firefox, but not in Safari.
Is there any other trick that can work on all these browsers? Or is there some way that i can apply this trick on Safari?

I console.log the pathLength with JS which do return something in Safari.



If you have only horizontal <line> elements, you could instead animate transformation from scale(0, 1) to scale(1, 1). You would need to set transform-origin for each individual lline, and for non-horizontal lines, rotate them after scaling.
– ccprog
Aug 17 at 16:52


scale(0, 1)

scale(1, 1)


this actually works for me in safari, the animation feels different though but lines are animated
– godblessstrawberry
Aug 18 at 9:31

@godblessstrawberry Yes, there still have animation, but stroke-dasharray calculating ignore the pathLength. Actually, this bug does not directly relate to animation, but i want to use this feature to achieve the animation effect which is the same as you see in Chrome.
– Cigany
Aug 20 at 3:16



1 Answer

I temporary use a workaround. It is not a beautiful way, but i think at least it's still a clean way. This is a reference for those who face the same problem.

I use JavaScript to dynamically calculate each length of the lines, generate some CSS msg, then insert to window.stylesheet. Note that these should be done after window.onload.



Here is the sample code:

window.onload = setPathAnimationAll;

var seqAnimate = ["l-vertical", "l-horizen", "l-hypo"];

function setPathAnimationAll()
for(var i = 0; i < seqAnimate.length; ++i)

function setPathAnimationSingle(id)
var target = document.getElementById(id);
var nameAnimete = genAnimateName(id);
var msgCss = genPathAnimateMsg(nameAnimete, getSvgLineLength(target));
insertCss(msgCss); = nameAnimete;

function getSvgLineLength(ele)

return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ele.x1.animVal.value - ele.x2.animVal.value, 2) + Math.pow(ele.y1.animVal.value - ele.y2.animVal.value, 2));

function genAnimateName(id)
return "dynamic-animation-" + id;

function genPathAnimateMsg(name, length)
return "@keyframes " + name +" from stroke-dasharray: 0, " + length + "; to stroke-dasharray: " + length + "; " + "n";

function insertCss(msg)

var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = '';
window.stylesheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1];
window.stylesheet.insertRule(msg, window.stylesheet.cssRules.length);

svg line
//animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-duration: 1s;

<svg width="400px" height="200px" viewBox="0 0 400 200" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">

<g stroke="#FABE00" stroke-width="3">
<line x1="301" y1="0" x2="301" y2="183" id="l-vertical"></line>
<line x1="301" y1="183" x2="120" y2="183" id="l-horizen"></line>
<line x1="120" y1="183" x2="301" y2="0" id="l-hypo"></line>


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