iOS Swift DispatchQueue: How do I run a process using multiple CPUs

iOS Swift DispatchQueue: How do I run a process using multiple CPUs

So far I am trying to run the Grand Central Dispatch to process images on multiple cores.

The issue I am running into is that the processing only occurs on the main queue and stays on the first core.

I am using an iPhone 6 which has dual cores up to 200% cpu I can use and it caps out at 100% CPU and other threads are clearly not running the function.


//value is an image inside an image array that I am using the .map function
//imageProcess processes an image on the device CPU.

let core1 = DispatchQueue(label: "core1", qos: .userInitiated)
let core2 = DispatchQueue(label: "core2", qos: .userInitiated)


self.imageProcess(fromImage: value, completion: (error) in
if let error = error
print("Oops something failed!")

print("It has finished! Core1")


self.imageProcess(fromImage: value, completion: (error) in
if let error = error
print("Oops something failed!")

print("It has finished! Core2")


What I am seeing is the DispatchQueue just drops everything into thread 11 on my CPU and all the images are processed that way. There is no multithreading and it stays on a single core.


Thanks all!


Looks like my function is not properly configured for DispatchQueue. Any suggestions?

Please note that faceDetector is calling a firebase function MLKit Firebase

private func imageProcess(fromImage image: UIImage, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void)
let visionImage = VisionImage(image: image)
faceDetector.detect(in: visionImage) [unowned self] (faces, error) in
guard error == nil, let detectedFaces = faces else
self.showAlert("An error occured", alertMessage: "The face detection failed.")

let faceStates = self.faceStates(forDetectedFaces: detectedFaces)
self.updateDetectedInfo(forFaceStates: faceStates)

Try a lower priority qos or create your own queue using let core1 = DispatchQueue(label: "core1", qos: .background)
– rmaddy
Aug 20 at 23:42


let core1 = DispatchQueue(label: "core1", qos: .background)

Just tried it, not seeing a difference, CPU was still 100%/200%. If you put prints inside the core1.async and core2.async it'll jump through them before the self.imageProcess() completes.
Aug 20 at 23:53

Is imageProcess async itself?
– rmaddy
Aug 20 at 23:54


The firebase function inside the imageProcessing function is synchronous.
Aug 21 at 1:24

There's your problem. detect is async so imageProcess returns immediately. Your use of core1.async and core2.async is pointless at the moment since imageProcess returns immediately while detect` runs in the background on whatever queue is it written to use.
– rmaddy
Aug 21 at 2:10





imageProcess returns immediately while

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