Disable name demangling on GDB startup

Disable name demangling on GDB startup

This may be a weird request, but is there a way to disable symbol demangling in GDB? Even better would be to disable name demangling for certian subset of symbols. I am dealing with some heavily templated code, and most of the time GDB spends demangling the symbols. Since they are gigantic/nonsensical, and are more compact when they are mangled, is there a way to turn this off?

How about set print demangle off? It is explained at ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/Manuals/gdb/html_node/gdb_57.html
– Michael Veksler
Aug 16 at 23:28

set print demangle off

2 Answers

gdb has a couple of settings to control demangling. You can find them with apropos demangle, but basically the interesting ones are set print demangle and set print asm-demangle.

apropos demangle

set print demangle

set print asm-demangle

However, you should know that there's a bug open because this setting was broken and never fixed.

Thanks for pointing out that it's a bug, because I tried that command and it didn't work. I thought I was crazy. I did find set demangle-style none though, which does work!
– Alexander Kondratskiy
Aug 20 at 21:06

set demangle-style none

Unfortunately set print demangle off did not do anything, but set demangle-style none works! Saw it suggested here: https://github.com/capnproto/capnproto/issues/191

set print demangle off

set demangle-style none

I put it in a .gdbinit file, and now I don't have to wait forever to set a breakpoint.


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