R extract the first pattern from the end of string

R extract the first pattern from the end of string

I want to extract sizes from strings, which can be:

a <- c("xxxxxxx 2.5 oz (23488)",
"xxxxx /1.36oz",
"xxxxx/7 days /20 ml")

Result I want: 2.5 oz /1.36oz /20 ml

2.5 oz /1.36oz /20 ml

Because strings varies, so I want to extract patterns backward. That is, I want to extract the first appearance of \/*(\d+\.*\d*)\s*[[:alpha:]]+ from the end of the string. It will avoid R from taking 23488 from the first string and /7 days from the third string.



/7 days

Anyone knows how I can achieve this?

An idea is to put .* before to consume. Something like ^.*[ /]b([d.]+s*[a-z]+)
– bobble bubble
Aug 20 at 22:04


^.*[ /]b([d.]+s*[a-z]+)

won't it capture everything up to and including size?
– Mr369
Aug 20 at 22:06

@Mr369 yes it will. For the result you're looking for, just refer to capture group 1
– emsimpson92
Aug 20 at 22:07

@emsimpson92 You changed the regex and it won't match, say, 40 l now.
– Wiktor Stribiżew
Aug 20 at 22:19

40 l

@Mr369 Without capturing group: ^.*[ /]bK[d.]+s*[a-z]+ (with perl=true).
– bobble bubble
Aug 20 at 22:20

^.*[ /]bK[d.]+s*[a-z]+


2 Answers

You may use

> a <- c("xxxxxxx 2.5 oz (23488)",
+ "xxxxx /1.36oz",
+ "xxxxx/7 days /20 ml")
> regmatches(a, regexpr("/?\d+(?:\.\d+)?\s*\pL+(?!.*\d(?:\.\d+)?\s*\pL+)", a, perl=TRUE))
[1] "2.5 oz" "/1.36oz" "/20 ml"

See the regex demo.
















Thanks so much for your answer! while how about the case where the string is "xxxxx 08/21/1.38 Oz xxx 08/21/18 xxx 08/21/18" ? Using the regexp will result 18 xxx instead.
– Mr369
Aug 21 at 17:53

"xxxxx 08/21/1.38 Oz xxx 08/21/18 xxx 08/21/18"

18 xxx

@Mr369 Then, as per your specs, you should better extract all matches and then grab only the last occurrences, see this demo.
– Wiktor Stribiżew
Aug 21 at 19:35

If you know the name of the units(oz, ml, etc), you could try something like this:



See working example.

FYI: This requires the knowledge of all measurement units.
– Wiktor Stribiżew
Aug 20 at 22:20

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