scrapy fail to cooperate with python3.7

scrapy fail to cooperate with python3.7

I failed to install twisted by pip command, so I manually downloaded the .whl file and got it installed( version 18.7.0). Only after i did that, my laptop could install scrapy; however, it seems that the twisted package is not compatible with python 3.7 and it keeps saying "syntax error"

I have tried some method posted on the Github about this issue(, but none of them solve it. I wonder whether I need to shift to python 3.6 or not? cause my python spider can only setup it's downloader and cannot parse webpages

Could anyone please give me some advise?

2 Answers

Yes. Twisted does not yet support Python 3.7. Try Python 3.6 or earlier.

One of the comments from the issue helped me:

pip install git+ --no-dependencies --upgrade

i moved my project to python 3.6. i will try you suggestion later.
– Zhe Yu He
Aug 21 at 21:14

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