Handler stopping up main thread

Handler stopping up main thread

I'm trying to use a handler to allow the ui of the app to load before a processor intensive task is completed. I've tried using AsyncTask but that yielded even worse results.


public class MyEditView extends AppCompatEditText
Handler handler;

public MyEditView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
super(context, attrs);

public MyEditView(Context context)

private void init(final Context context)
handler = new Handler();
//Removing handler.post speeds up the load of the activity significantly
handler.post(new Runnable()
public void run()
Interpreters.ENGLISH.init(context); //Load 133911 line txt file


Would be useful to see a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example
– cricket_007
Aug 19 at 21:20

@cricket_007 Is this better?
– FracturedRetina
Aug 19 at 21:42

1 Answer

Do processor intensive tasks off ui thread, this handler posts runnables to the same thread it is created on, which is ui thread according to the code snippet.

That's what the handler is for, but it's not working
– FracturedRetina
Aug 19 at 21:42

You probably created the handler on main thread so the runnable is posted to main thread, that's what's going on.
– estn
Aug 19 at 21:44

TIL, thanks guys
– FracturedRetina
Aug 19 at 21:48

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