How to use jquery selector in class with white spaces?

How to use jquery selector in class with white spaces?

I have the Html code below:

<span class="fa fa-heart-o"></span>

I want to change from class="fa fa-heart-o" to class="fa fa-heart-o" in all span with this class

$("span").filter(".fa.fa-heart-o").hover(function ()
this.removeClass('fa fa-heart-o');
this.addClass('fa fa-heart');
, function ()
this.removeClass('fa fa-heart');
this.addClass('fa fa-heart-o');


I've tried in many ways nothing works.

It starts with an outline heart then on hover it change and fill with a color
– EduardoUstarez
Aug 19 at 21:21

1 Answer

The problem is that you're trying to call jQuery methods on a DOM object.

Instead of targetting the DOM object this, you're looking to chain .removeClass() and .addClass() to the jQuery wrapper $(this):





$(this).removeClass('fa fa-heart-o');
$(this).addClass('fa fa-heart');
, function()
$(this).removeClass('fa fa-heart');
$(this).addClass('fa fa-heart-o');

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<span class="fa fa-heart-o"></span>

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