Aid agency

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An aid agency is an organization dedicated to distributing aid. Many professional aid organisations exist, both within government, between governments as multilateral donors and as private voluntary organizations or non-governmental organisations. The International Committee of the Red Cross is the world’s oldest humanitarian organisation and is unique in being mandated by international treaty to uphold the Geneva Conventions.

Aid can be subdivided into two categories: humanitarian aid (emergency relief efforts, e.g. in response to natural disasters), and development aid (or foreign aid), aimed at helping countries to achieve long-term sustainable economic growth, with the aim of achieving poverty reduction. Some aid agencies carry out both kinds of aid, whilst others specialise on one aspect.

See also

  • List of development aid agencies

External links

  • Foreign Relations and International Aid resources from University of Colorado–Boulder

  • International Aid and Development at Curlie (based on DMOZ)

  • AidData - a web portal for information on development aid, including a database of aid activities financed by donors worldwide

  • EuropeAid Cooperation Office

  • OECD Development Co-operation Directorate (DAC)

  • Foreign Aid at Brookings Institution

  • How Food Aid Work.

  • Foreign Aid Projects 1955-2010

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